
Hello and Welcome to the development blog of "Group 1" from the 2010 Interactive Technology 2 Group of CMT at the University of Hull, Scarborough Campus - focusing on Trade Charms as part of our exhibit on "Charms of the Sea" to be on display soon at the Rotunda Museum in Scarborough, United Kingdom.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Final Design by Bruno Siu

Now that I know the resolution (1240x1024) of the touch-screen, I can be more precise with the spacing of the layout on the patch.

This is the final design of our interactive patch. It consist of two screens, the first is for accessing information about the charms; the second is a 'question and answer' to test our user's knowledge of the charms.

Screen One - Information:

I kept the original idea of user's freedom on information. The user can select the charm he/she want hear more about, by tabbing on the image of the charm. 

The light blue circles represent the trade charms and they will be in colour, this is to draw attention of the audience. Taking on previous comment/idea suggested, the grey circle will be the 'non-sea' charm. The reason why I  included the 'non-sea' charm is because the theme Trade. In an open market, the type of charms on sell would not be limited to trade alone.

The bottom section contains the image of 'Horse and Cart', the idea was to make the user take the perspective of a travelling trader and they are exchanging charms with different people around the globe.

By clicking on the 'Game' button on the top right corner, the user can skip the information and goes straight to the 'Question and Answer'. This will also trigger a short animation of the 'Horse and Cart' moving away.

On this screen, if left untouched for a period of time (30seconds) it will automatically return to the master patch.

Screen Two - Game:

In this screen the user would 'approached' by a customer requesting a specific charm in exchange for their 'special' item(s), ranging from but not limited to camels and/or gemstones.

Red circles represent trade charms, by selecting the desired charm, the user gets the 'reward'. Incorrect answer would get a 'hint' from the voice over. The white background also serves as a hint; as an 'out of focus' image will be shown, indicating the origins of 'desired' charm.

The user can re-access the information by tabbing on the 'info' button beside the charm.

The bottom area is a progress report, as the 'journey' moves on, the closer the user gets towards the 'goal'. The patch will congratulate the user on his/her success in trading and it will go back to the 'information' page.

Feel free to post any questions/suggestions at the comment section and I will do my best to answer them.


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